Codyfight internal AMA: talks with Danas, the CTO!

6 min readApr 14, 2022


Today in our internal talk, we discussed with Danas Girdauskas, Founder and CTO of Codyfight, the in-depth details and questions users might have about the Codyfight gaming experience.

Danas is an Educated Software engineer with over six years of professional experience working in the Web Applications/App development industry and more than five years of freelancing experience. He considers himself a team player and risk taker, that’s why he decided to embark on the Codyfight project. His mission is to blur the boundaries between AI and humans. Integrate AI as a main feature of the game where humans can either control or face them. A balanced competition where gamers can come together and earn rewards from their participation on Codyfight, regardless of their skills.

An overview of the game

Codyfight is a multiplayer one-on-one AI coding web-based game where gamers from different communities can enjoy and get a constant input of rewards from contributing and developing different aspects of the game such as programming bots, creating and trading NFTs, building a strong community, or simply getting involved in Arena battles.

The game is based on a two-dimensional dynamic-size rectangle tilemap where AI and human-controlled robots face each other. Each player can own multiple, uniquely named robots with individual rankings. These robots can be controlled via API (AI player) or via the website (human player).

For winning the matches and other various activities, players will be rewarded with crypto tokens. Players will earn more rewards as they battle higher ranks, as well as improve their abilities on the ring and build adaptive AI robots. Each arena match costs 1 CTicket or 1 Daily Ticket to enter.

Codyfight Game Widget is built to be easily accessed on any device that can render an HTML and JavaScript code — which is basically any web browser.

CTOK’s utility inside and outside Codyfight

CTOK is Codyfight’s token and functions as the core of the game. Think of the purpose oxygen serves to humans, then apply that to Codyfight’s token. It is the reason not only for keeping the game constantly active and evolving, but also the reason why players have enough energy and stamina to fight. Codyfight is a complex ecosystem that ultimately depends on that oxygen, CTOK, to survive.

Players can use CTOKs to buy CTickets and fight against other opponents, as well as purchase various items including NFT skins and CKeys for robots. Players can also repair through CTOKs their robots in the Robot Forge. Additionally, having more tokens will be crucial in decision-making on the game, as more tokens will grant more power.

Outside the game, CTOK can be traded on the market, as well as NFT skins. Players will also be able to stake CTOK to provide liquidity and earn rewards for it.

Matches in the arena

Players can face different opponents and earn rewards. Through competitive gaming, a player can face a friend, a random player, or a player from the same rank. If a player wants to go inside the Arena, he pays for a CTicket bought with CTOK. If a player wins, he will take the amount of that CTicket plus his opponent’s CTicket minus a small percentage that goes to Codyfight.

Codyfight’s super-dynamic ranking system determines a player’s winning rewards based on which rank the Robot has reached. Rewards in this game mode could vary up to x1.9 prize pool multiplier based on the rank. As the game progresses and gathers massive popularity, players will be able to compete in World Championships and earn significant rewards.

As players are awarded according to their Robots’ rank, lower ranks won’t be compensated by the benefits of the higher ranks. Free Daily Tickets can be used to enter the game until #5 Competitor rank. Rewards for winnings are granted in CTickets for such games. Once the robot reaches #5 Competitor rank, the player cannot use Daily Tickets anymore and has to enter games paying CTickets instead. However, from this point — the player is awarded with Codyfight Tokens (CTOK).

Competitive Codyfight arena delivers opportunities to play using multiple different strategies depending on circumstances such as the game mode, current rank, possible Special Agents, and map tile sets, as well as the currently popular strategies. These factors dictate the metagame’s variability, making it a tough challenge to predict the best or most optimal strategy.

Bot farms

One of the most valuable aspects of Codyfight is its revolutionary use of the Play to Earn (P2E) gaming experience. Players are allowed to “cheat”. This means that while other P2E games require constant grinding from players, Codyfight gives gamers the opportunity of earning rewards more easily and efficiently through AI-controlled bots. With Codyfight, each player can own multiple CKeys, which equals multiple active robots in their possession. By subscribing to several CKeys people can build their robot farms and let them fight for rewards in the arena simultaneously.

Bot farms are also easy to access and control. Players won’t have to code a separate script for each robot, as all the robots can be managed by a single piece of code, making it convenient and efficient for farming rewards. Also, Codyfight contains an Application Programming Interface (API) for coding AI bots using any programming language that can connect to the internet. Through Codyfight, you can extend the robots’ functionalities with AI, Computer Vision, and Machine Learning.

Now, are there any limitations when building a bot farm?

There are no limits for robot farms. Each robot functioning needs to have a CKey, therefore the only limitation is gathering each robots’ CKeys. There are different types of CKeys, players get a free one on their registration, so they can start playing with their robot. If they want to get more CKeys, they need to get more subscriptions and therefore pay more CTOK. CKeys will also be similar to NFTs as trading and selling go.

Programmers vs. Regulars

Codyfight has implemented a unique semi-real-time Application Programming Interface (API) that provides developers with a simple and convenient way to build their robots. Every game that happens in Codyfight has its data object that holds the current state of the game. Such an object is called the GameState. Core game logic and processing are handled by Codyfight’s back-end server. This server is constantly communicating with other internal services such as the main Database, Redis storage, Gateway server, and WebSocket server. As the game happens in real-time, the Back-end Server constantly updates and returns GameState as requested.

Codyfight’s API allows programmers to play with AI bots without a graphical representation of the game. However, Codyfight understands the different needs of each gamer, as not all players might know how to code. That’s why regular players will be enjoying the visuals of Codyfight through a browser with keyboards for commands during fights, while programmers will just code through API. This way Codyfight ensures that the gaming experience is flexible and adaptive for every person that wants to participate in the game.

However, the starting point is the same for both types of players. Players will have to choose their skin first. Then they will receive a free CKey, and afterward, go to the Robot Forge to customize their bot. Once a player is in the Robot Forge they can modify their robot and log into the game. In the case of regular players, they enter their CKey, choose an arena and start playing. In the case of coders, they can go to the Application Programming Interface and use their CKey to communicate with the server.

Paid to Earn and Reduce Scams

One of Codyfight’s core user experience philosophies is to provide the community with diverse ways to easily and instantly earn Codyfight Tokens (CTOK). Therefore the game has many opportunities for gamers to earn rewards in exchange for their efforts. Codyfight is an open space for any player, regardless of their abilities, and distributes its funds as community-friendly and safe as possible.

Players can earn benefits from participating in and organizing tournaments, building bot farms, and creating NFTs that can be tradeable outside the game. All of this happens in a safe environment where fees are reduced to benefit its players. Codyfight takes a percentage to maintain the complex balance of its ecosystem, but assures that gamers will still be able to earn significant rewards for their efforts in the game.

Also, Codyfight reduces scams and unfair benefits by allowing its players’ skills to be earned in competitive fighting, not just through token payments. Also, big rewards in the Arena are reserved for players that get to the #5 rank, when they can start earning tokens and developing bigger responsibilities in the ecosystem.

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